Mindfulness meditation reduces anxiety, and increases love and peacefulness.
photo by Lou Noble
Mindfulness meditation is a simple way to de-stress and reconnect with your peaceful self. As children we live in the present moment, not having yet learned to fill our minds with daunting tasks, electronic screens, anxiety and fears. Below is a simple drawing that depicts how our minds and bodies can be in two different places at once.
Your body is present, but where is your mind? It is most likely thinking about something that has already happened, or about something that may or may not happen in the future. Most certainly, it has attached an emotion to each thought.
Are you regretful, ashamed, angry or sad about something in your past? Are you worried, anxious, tense or excited about something that you are anticipating about the future? While your mind is racing around in the past or future, your emotional states are kicking out chemical reactions that your body is responding to in the present! Alternatively, we could bring our thoughts to the present moment, and relieve it from the negative emotional states associated with past or future events.
Happy, loving and pleasurable feelings do not make us tense and anxious. In fact, those emotional states boost endorphins and increase our serotonin levels. Both of which relax our bodies.
Brain mapping has enabled neurologists to see how the realms of the brain that have been chronically over reactive, begin to calm down after meditation. This calming affect allows other areas of the brain which control cognitive thought, memory, and relaxation to become more active. Meditation balances the brain so that it may function more effectively. A simply and short daily practice, will have a profound affect on your daily life. It will lower your stress levels, aid in your ability to control anxiety, diminish intrusive thoughts, and in turn, will restore a sense of wellbeing and peacefulness to your everyday life.